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New Moon 🌑 Stuff & Why We Should Care... but no pressure 🙃

Happy New Moon in Pisces Soul Family!

I am not an astrologer but I am a human who’s been looking to the cycles in nature to support my success, growth, relationships and healing journey. One of the easiest ways to incorporate the cosmos into my personal and business life has been through working with the new and full moon cycles. These cycles happen approximately every 16 days so we have access to them quite frequently if we’re paying attention and being intentional about living in alignment with nature.

The quick and dirty is that NEW MOONS are for PLANTING SEEDS OF INTENTION and FULL MOONS are for releasing what no longer serves us.

There’s a new moon today, Saturday March 13th, 2021. What’s that mean? Well, it means that astrologically, we are in the perfect time and space to manifest and set intentions for what we want to see come to fruition. During this window, we are planting the seeds of our intentions for what we’d like to see happening at the next full moon, which is on March 28th, 2021.

However, please note that sometimes it takes longer than just one lunar cycle to see long-lasting changes and our manifestations coming to reality and other times the manifestations come to fruition right away… It all depends on (y)our individual journey, the complexity and depth of what you're asking for, or how much healing and shadow work we've done.

Other times, it takes a whole different type of lunar cycle for our manifestations to come through.

For example, in early May 2019 there was a new moon in Taurus where I posted that I was asking “what is for the highest good of my soul?” before going to bed. Then, a whole dramatic series of events happened that rocked my entire world as I knew it . Fast forward to the full moon in Taurus October 2020 and all the manifestations that my heart secretly yearned for back then all came to fruition in ways much bigger than I ever imagined (whoohoo!).

So, see these practices as a way to observe your life, the ebbs and flows, and how your old habits and ways of thinking get in the way of what you’re looking to create. Then, during the full moon phase you’ll be crystal clear on what got in the way of your growth and what got in the way of your manifestations and will have something concrete that you’ll want to RELEASE during the full moon ritual of burning that which no longer serves us.

My life coaching clients have all been trying to establish daily routines that support their goals so that they’re more productive in their work and are consistently filling their cup so they can live happier lives no matter what happens in their days. To that end, I recorded a quick guided meditation & visualization for us to start today and listen to every day ‘til the full moon on March 28th. Then, by the time the full moon comes we’ll have a solid routine that supports our productivity, self-love practices AND will have also observed our days enough to know what needs to be released in a more ritualistic way for a bigger impact on our happiness and productivity every single day. YAY.

I’m happy to share this meditation with you so you too can practice the visualization and start taking baby steps in the direction of your dreams and higher self. Send me a text at 424.345.4122 or an email at and I’ll send it over. As Esoteric_Esa always says "may you manifest wisely."

On a personal note: I just got back home to Atlanta after closing the chapter in my life where I was an LA native & resident. I grew up in LA because my parents moved there from New York, where I was born, when I was three years old. After living in LA for 31 years, it goes without saying that I’m proud to be an LA girl through and through. I’ve been slowly transitioning to Georgia since 12.25.2019 and now with the last of my belongings en route to meet me here it feels like I’m finally embracing GA as my new home. It feels really good to start putting down roots here and I’m truly honored and excited to be embarking on this new journey which feels more like a whole new book rather than just a new chapter. Have you ever made such a move? Let me know in the comments and share any tips or learnings that you wish you knew when you were in transition!

Ta-ta for now!

Sending you hugs, love and light,

Veronica M. Estrada

Certified Virtual Life Coach


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